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Where we create an inspiring, challenging, and supportive environment where students are encouraged and assisted in reaching their highest potential.


Aerial shoot of new Augier field
Picture of Westerly High Schools Babcock Building
Picture of Westerly High Schools Ward Building
Group of high school students with police officers
Front of building
aerial of field from side
Front of Ward building
front of ward building
Audrey Faubert, State Street School Principal
Ground Breaking Ceremony, Mark Garceau
Ground Breaking Ceremony, Justin Hopkins

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We at WPS believe that striving for equity is paramount for this mission to be realized.

At WPS, equity means that all students are ensured the support, resources, and assistance they need to excel at their full potential. WPS is intentional, purposeful, and strategic about honoring all people because of and regardless of their differences. Simply put, every student gets what every student needs.

School Building Project

Up to date information regarding the school building project can be found on the School Building Subcommittee page 

News & Events

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At Westerly Public Schools, it is our belief that good school attendance is necessary in order for students to fully take advantage of the benefits that the school has to offer. In addition, the State Department of Education has issued clear guidelines for attendance that we must follow.

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