ABC's of Special Education
Acronyn | Meaning |
504 | Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act |
AAC | Alternative Augmentative Communication |
ABA | Applied Behavior Analysis |
ABC | Antecedent-Behavior-Consequence |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
APE | Adaptive Physical Education |
ASD | Autism Spectrum Disorder |
AT | Assistive Technology |
BCBA | Board Certified Behavior Analyst |
BIP | Behavior Intervention Plan |
CAPD | Central Auditory Processing Disorder |
CASE | Community Alliance for Special Education |
CTE | Career & Technical Educatoin |
DD | Developmental Delay |
DOE | U.S. Department of Education |
DOR | Department of Rehabilitation |
ECE | Early Childhood Education |
ED | Emotional Disturbance |
EI | Early Intervention |
ESSA | Every Student Succeeds Act |
ESY | Extended School Year |
ET | Evaluation Team |
FAPE | Free Appropriate Public Education |
FBA | Functional Behavior Assessment |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act |
ID | Intellectual Disability |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IEE | Independent Educational Evaluation |
IEP | Individualized Educational Program |
IFSP | Individualized Family Service Plan |
LEA | Local Education Agency |
LRE | Least Restrictive Environment |
MD | Multiple Disabilities |
MTSS | Multi-tierred System of Supports |
O&M | Orientation and Mobility |
OCR | U.S. Office for Civil Rights |
OEO | Office of Equal Opportunity / CDE |
OHI | Other Health Impairment |
OSEP | U.S. Office of Special Education Programs / DOE |
OSERS | U.S. Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Programs |
OT/PT | Occupational Therapy/Physical Therapy |
PBIS | Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports |
PLAAFP | Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance |
PLP | Personal Literacy Plan |
PMP | Personal Math Plan |
PWN | Prior Written Notice |
RICAS | RI Comprehensive Assessment System |
SLD | Specific Learning Disability |
SLP | Speech Language Pathologist |
SPED | Special Education |
TA | Transition Academy |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
Voc | Vocational Educational |
WSELAC | Westerly Special Education Local Advisory Committee |